Agenda - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Y Senedd

Meeting date:
Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Meeting time: 13.30



1       Questions to the First Minister

(45 mins)                                                                                                         


The Presiding Officer will call the Party Leaders to ask questions without notice to the First Minister after Question 2.

View Questions




2       Business Statement and Announcement

(30 mins)                                                                                                         


View Business Statement and Announcement




3       Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government: The Welsh Government Future Trends Report

(45 mins)




4       Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure: The Champions League Final

(45 mins)                                                                                                         



5       Motion to vary the order of consideration of Stage 3 amendments to the Public Health (Wales) Bill

(5 mins)

NDM6293 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales, in accordance with Standing Order 26.36:

Agrees to dispose of sections and schedules to the Public Health (Wales) Bill at Stage 3 in the following order:

(a) sections 3 - 26

(b) section 2

(c) sections 27 - 52

(d) sections 54 - 91

(e) section 53

(f) sections 92 - 124

(g) Schedules  1 - 4

(h) section 1

(i) Long title




6       Debate: Diabetes Services in Wales

(60 mins)

NDM6292 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the publication of the updated Diabetes Delivery Plan and the priority areas outlined in the recent annual report to:

a. improve the standard of diabetes care across the health system and reduce variation in care practices;

b. support primary care in the management of diabetes and completion of key care processes;

c. enable people with diabetes to better manage their condition and reduce their risk of complications; and

d. use informatics to drive better integration of services for people with diabetes.

The Diabetes Delivery Plan 2016-2020 and Annual Report

The following amendments have been tabled:

Amendment 1. Rhun ap Iorwerth (Ynys Môn)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes the importance of structured education programmes to help people manage diabetes, and regrets that more than 50 per cent of eligible children and young people are unable to participate in these programmes at the present time.

Amendment 2. Rhun ap Iorwerth (Ynys Môn)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Recognises the importance of tackling obesity in preventing type 2 diabetes.




7       Voting Time




The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Wednesday, 3 May 2017